Suddenly I remembered something about my past, an unforgettable one It is about myself, when I was in secondary school I never had a real friend back then, and I wasn't in good term with my family So I really needed someone whom I can share my feelings, whether it is a boy or a girl, as long there is anyone I used to trust everybody, so whenever there is a chance, I always told them about my problems The agony of sadness at that time, I remember it until now This trait of mine goes on until I was in INTEC, or specifically, until when I loose a friend, a great one I realized then how much I depend on others; without even give myself a second to think for myself How ludicrous I was Every time I had a problem, I never thought that I can solve it myself I don't know why my mind set is like that Now that I think back again, I just want to smack something for how pathetic I was When these memories run through my mind, there is something that struck me, but I don't know how to des...