I am finished with Final Fantasy XIII! Well, story-wise only though. I really wanted to express my opinions for the game, but I need to finish the game completely and go in-depth so that I won't be doing a biased review~ On my way to Platinum! I am still thinking of buying Resonance of Fate, but with the mixed reviews from critics, I think I'll buy it when I don't have anymore games to play. I wonder if that day will ever come. I just received Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey last week, and it is a pretty great game. The game is full of serious tone, way much different from Persona series. But it doesn't stop me from playing. The battle is haaaard, real hard. You can die easily even at some early point in the game. The gameplay is can be easily related to Pokemon, but this time you "negotiate" instead of "catch", and you are dealing with serious "demons", not just some cute "monster". The best part is Demon Fusing, where you can...
My Life Poured As Words