"saya minat matematik sebab ayah saya ajar"
"saya start minat matematik masa darjah lima, bila saya dah start faham apa yang cikgu ajar pastu rasa macam tak susah pun matematik ni!"
"saya start minat matematik masa form one, sebab saya selalu dapat score tinggi"
"saya cemburu dengan cousin saya dia asyik cakap dia dapat 98 dalam matematik masa darjah lima dulu, sebab tu saya belajar matematik pastu jadi minat"
This is what they told me when they introduced themselves. Kids are so pure-hearted, can easily love things that they do even for the smallest reasons. As long as they believe they can do it, they will continue to love it.
Now, I want to relate this with my experiences. Not really mine, but those around me. I asked a few of my friends, why did they choose this course (Math, Stats, or Actuary). I believe I got around 7 out of 10 saying that "because I like Mathematics and numbers".
When we have an interest in a certain subject, it is easy for us to choose the course that we want. But real life sure is unforgiving. Just because we like it, doesn't mean it will be any easier. Many of those who said that they like Math didn't really score in their Math-related subjects. I can think of some reasons, but I'm sure one of them is because it is easy to get disappointed when we couldn't achieve a certain level of expectation, especially because we "like" it.
Just like when we say we love someone, but that person doesn't give back to us the equivalent of our love. It is easy to love as it is to hate or get disappointed. Then again, what's the point of saying we love someone but we never prove it by actions? How can we expect that that person will give the same when we never prove our love?
My point is, it is easy for us to forget that no matter how much we say we like something, it would be meaningless if we don't prove it. We can say we love Math. But when we have to repeat a Math subject, what does that says about us?
Of course, this doesn't only applies to Math. Just being specific because it is easy for me to relate.
When we say we like/love something, we will have tests or ordeals that will challenge that. That is when we will need to prove how much we are willing to go for something that we like, and how high is the level of our passion. Don't give up when you are being challenged about the things that you like, that is just the way it is.
On a related note, Allah even said this in the al-Quran, concerning our Iman:
"Do people think that they will be left alone because they said "We believe", and will not be tested?" (Al-Ankabut, 2)
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