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Don't Be Mad

Imagine this:

You live in an apartment, and there are only 4 houses that the residents are Muslims. Two of the houses is in third floor, and another two in fifth floor. You live in the third floor, and the other house in third floor is selected to be the surau. Everyone will perform the Solat together on Maghrib and Isha'.

One of your friend, let's call him A, that live in fifth floor always come to your room and invites you to come to the surau to solat together. But your other friends in the fifth floor rarely, if not never, came to the surau, even A's house mate. What will you feel?

I know this sound absurd, but I always feel uneasy whenever A come to my room to invite us. Not that the fact that he always invited us is the problem, but I always keep thinking "Why didn't you invite you house mates? You always invited us though" I know I shouldn't get mad to anyone, but I can't contain my own feeling.

So I decided that I tell him straight, at least I won't breed more anger toward him, and I want to know what really happened in reality. I know the outcome already, but sometimes we just want to witness it ourselves. I know it is not his fault in the beginning that his house mates never come, but I just want to hear it from himself. Now that I had known the truth, I feel better.

But I'm not going to change my direction of hatred towards his house mates, it will be very unethical of me. I just hope that you will know what is your mistake.

I just want to say that if have problems with someone, especially your close friends in this case, settle it with them. Don't choose the easy way by running away. It is very disgraceful, especially if you choose to tell others instead of telling that person that you have problems with.

Sorry Raja that I had this uneasy feeling towards you before.


  1. Sorry Raja that I had this uneasy feeling towards you before.

    ko dh mendedahkan si A.. haha~

  2. aku tabik.
    kau berani direct.
    aku tak.
    aku dah makin pudar dengan istilah direct.
    aku lari.
    aku pendam.
    aku sakit.

    jap nak tanya.

    mana kau dapat keberanian, kekuatan nak jadik direct?

    pape pun,
    satu aku nak cakap

    kau hebat.

  3. sebab aku bukan budak kecik macam ko


  4. biler ko nak blaja direct lagi?


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