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Showing posts from March, 2009


Post kali nie aku tujukan kepada kawan aku Farahin aka ex personal assistant aku (kitorang jer faham) Dalam time aku bersedih, aku citer aa kat dier nie (Aku tau, aku patut lebih kuat lepas nie) Dier banyak kali cuba buat aku rase lebih happy dengan senyuman dier yang bajet tuh hahaha walaupun dier pnah wat aku bersedih gak dlu, tapi skrg dier yang bersungguh2 taknak aku sedih Yang kat bawah nie merupakan salah satu attempt dier utk menggumbirakan hati ini (Klik untuk besarkan imej) Even just 10 minutes, it still worth your time walaupun amik mase lebih dari 5 hari, tapi effect dier dtg gak thanx Farahin! Gambar last aku ngan ko, tahun lepas bulan September (aku still x ingat naper jari aku camtuh) Hope bukan gambar yang btol2 last~ :) (aku still x suker ko nyer senyuman virtual)

About My Blog

I think it is not a suitable place for me to express my feelings anymore I dunno why, but it just not right After this, all my happiness and joys, pains and sufferings will be held within myself only At least, not in this blog I am tired of being too exposed about my feelings here

Guitar Hero di Harian Metro

Di sini, saya bukan hendak mengutuk mana2 pihak tetapi cuma ingin membetulkan apa yang tidak betul Saya harap pembaca faham yang saya cuba mendedahkan perkara sebenar yang telah disalah anggap oleh sesetengah pihak Hari ini, Harian Metro telah mengeluarkan artikel mengenai game Guitar Hero (klik di sini ) Saya ingin mengulas setiap perenggan yang telah dikeluarkan Lagi satu, artikel ini secara spesifiknya menerangkan tentang Guitar Hero 3 sahaja Awas! Remaja yang gemar bermain permainan komputer perlu berhati-hati apabila memilih permainan, terutama berasaskan muzik rock dan punk berikutan sesetengahnya boleh menjejaskan akidah. Tidak dinafikan yang kita sebagai gamers perlu berhati2 apabila memilih game, tetapi kenapa genre muzik rock dan punk??Adakah g ame lain tidak membahayakan??Bergantung kepada siapa yang main game tersebut juga. Dalam permainan komputer terbaru di pasaran, ia memaparkan grafik seakan-akan kalimah Allah ketika ‘syaitan’ bermain gitar. Memang betul ada, ini tidak

Keseorangan Kat Rumah...

Family aku balik kampung.. Bukan aku taknak ikut tapi assignment sumer tak siap lagi... Tinggal aku dengan... tapi keje ko tido ngan main jer kan best kalo ko yg jage aku, drpd aku yg jage ko nanti ajak roomate aku lepak satu malam aa kat sini bosan

A House

One day I walk around I found a house It looks dull and I entered it -------- It is quite empty right now There are a lot of things But there are no people I think it's owner doesn't get along well with people in the houses around -------- There is a small box inside that house It is strong, because it never break even when it is being hit But somehow, it started to has cracks Hope I can fix it -------- I found a water tank There is always water inside it It looks like it had been used recently Sometimes, the water burst out just like that -------- There is also a speaker inside the house It only works when the user tell the truth It also has cracks Maybe some people throw it away because it only tell the truth? -------- A computer? It looks really nice It has been used for a lot of times It seems like it is the most precious thing inside the house Why did it go to waste? It shouldn't be left in a house like this -------- Owh There is a cat in the house It is very cute and


I almost had an accident today Maybe it is not that significant to anyone else But I am afraid to death My hands and feet won't stop shaking I'm scared I'm scared Thank God I still have the chance to live I shouldn't feel the feeling that I felt at that time I should be more positive Thank you for being the first person to know I calmed down after talking to you I really appreciate on how you really care about me Thank you Zafree sayang Raihan

Mencari Kostum

Hari nie aku, Adam, Naqib, Fazira, Zahira n Asila pergi mencari costume untuk parade klas~~ Sori coz gambar agak blur n gelap, disebabkan bilik tersebut kekurangan cahaya Masquarade lagi? Adam ngan baju pembunuh ngan angels beliau Aku pun nak gak! Tapi cam bese, aku dapat laki jer aa Sumer orang dah start pakai costume Asila n Fazira nampak smart n comel giler weyh! Aku perlukan masa utk perasan gak... Finale, sumer orang dah pakai costume pelik2 Adam berjaya menghilangkan ke-cool-an beliau dalam sekelip mata dgn menjadikan diri beliau seperti penagih dadah :P Konklusi - Kami tak jumper lagi costume kitorg...:'(


Aku agak mengerti aa maksud 'tahan lama' tu... Acap mula2 gelak biler nmpk benda nie Syazwi dah try awal2 (beliau menunjukkan ke-tough-an beliau) Tengok acap, lepas dah pakai pun still tergelak dier fikir dier dah boleh terbang Takpe acap, ko still muda Syazwi, ko dah nampak mangse ko ke? ...Sepatutnyer kena ajak Asri jadi duta aa (Budak INTEC ADFP jer faham)

Kucing Aku

Nie la kucing baru kat rumah aku~~ beliau nie sgt aktif walaupun beliau feminine~~ aku main game pun dier nk tgk tengok, makin rapat lak dier


Merembat Masquerade mask kakak aku~~ patutnyer dier ader lagi satu utk laki nyer balak beliau dah amik kot huhu

How Could I?

I forgot the most important thing duh~ I can't tell you what it is because every time I say what I wanted to do it always end up as failure so rather than say it to you I'll prove it to you Just like what you did to me Okay! I can do it! Yeah~ Gonna continue playing Persona 4~~ I think I should download/buy new games for my portables too... I had abandoned my portables for a long time~~ huhu

Aku Tertanya2

Aku just nak tau Sebenarnyer antara korang yang kenal aku nie... Baper ramai yang fikir aku betul2 gay?? Aku rase ader orang anggap mende nie btol aa... Risau aku Sumer tu main2 jer aa... (Edited at 7:00 p.m. 3/9/2009) Maksud aku selepas aku start post pasal gay2 nie bukannyer sejak dari korang kenal aku huhu~

To My Beloved Denverians

Thanks guys I appreciate for the things we had done today I hope this moment last forever, and ever I love all of you My Impression V 2.0.0 Naimah - I still rarely saw you talking, but the way you act is really cool and innocent, I like it. I always smiled when I saw you in action, dunno whether it is funny or something else :) Don't forget to make more lasagna~ Afiqah - Sometimes you are very loud, and whenever we said about a certain place, you always said that you have been there. But you also realize when I'm feeling down and even asked me to tell you. Sorry for not telling you but thanx for asking. Maybe I will tell you when I'm feeling better~ Fazira - You have soft voice, which sometimes made me couldn't hear you. But I realize that you have become much better in speaking louder when you presented your demo speech. You are the one who insisted me to do 'that', which I will try, little by little. I think your past had made me think a lot.. Yati - I was kin

Pagi Ini

Pagi Ini Aku serious marah giler Aku tak pernah nak marah camnie duh~ Patutnya pagi2 mula dengan perkara menggembirakan xpe nasib baik nak gie Sg. Gabai hari nie Rilek2 sudeyh~ Btol x Farahin ?


Aku baru jer kutuk tagging tapi aku buat gak.haha Senaraikan 5 hadiah yang anda impikan: * PS3 * X-Box 360 * Wii * New Laptop * Love? Alasan terhadap pilihan tersebut: * mmg impian aku kot * nak rase gak console dari microsoft * nak bagi family aku main gak * sajer jer * agak2? 5 Impresi terhadap orang yang diminati * comel * outspoken * suker berahsia * susah * caring 5 Perkara hebat yang pernah dilakukan * main guitar hero * naik gunung kinabalu sampai puncak * sacrificing * hidup kat intec * ponteng kelas?haha 5 Ciptaan yang paling disukai (tidak semestinya melibatkan teknologi) * manusia * hati dan perasaan * console * hidupan air * nyawa ini 5 perkara yang dibenci * tak dapat fikir aa, nanti aku edit la eyh? * * * * 5 orang yang hendak ditag * Terbuka kepada semua lapisan masyarakat * Tapi Rayza kena buat gak, aku x kire * * *


I'm not doing a tag here I just want to talk about my opinions on this tagging business I am referring to the tagging that are now faymous among bloggers~ What is tagging? To put it simply, it is when you are given a list of questions, you have to answer it honestly (well, not all people feel that they need to be honest) and pass the questions to other people~ What good about it? Give information about yourself to others and vice versa -Not all viewers of our blog know about ourselves. One of the best way is to just read from the tag~ My Opinion? This may be harsh but I'm being straight forward~ 1. People just want to tell others something important, and cover it up by using many questions Yeah, some people do that. We (I use 'we' here because maybe part of myself did or will do the same, so I need to be fair) want (a certain) people to know (a certain) thing about us. For example if I had a fight with my friend, I might use 'tagging' to express it by answering