Last Week Finished my video game paper, and took my Math 340 second midterm. It feels like a lot of burden had been lifted from my shoulder. Thanks to Shafiq Kadir for encouraging me to finish the paper before midnight (because he had to do the paper too). It should be a 10-paper, but my TA is nice enough to let us send the paper even if our paper doesn't reach the intended length (mainly because our lecturer wanted us to do in 1.5 spacing, instead of the usual 2.0 spacing). We both tried to make it to ten pages, but we only managed to do nine; adding more will only make our paper became more convoluted and less meaningful -_- On the same day on the due date of our paper, I have to lead the discussion, and last week's topic was Games in Education. To sum up what I presented, take a look at this video: Funny, in the same time meaningful and informative :) So I have been playing Modern Warfare 3, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Metal Gear, and Super Mario 3D Land, and all ...
My Life Poured As Words